"Quote of the Week"


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nipple Non Grata - Women Without Nipples

The Nipple Non Grata project by Loreffrey Studios. The Loreffrey Studios took a couple of photographs of these women with their top off and then digitally removing their nipples ...

"By digitally removing a woman's nipples, have we desexualized her? If so, is the mainstream American media responding to societal demand for some kind of "pretend" decency in magazines and ads? Does nipple removal let us flirt with feminine sexuality without crossing the boundaries of "good taste"? What does this say about American culture? Does it reflect a certain type of hypocrisy? Does this approach further objectify women as plastic objects or playthings?

The photography duo loreffrey became fascinated with these questions and decided to create the portrait series Nipple Non Grata to challenges viewers to contemplate the practice and question the assumptions that drive this portrayal of women's bodies in the media."

Get over it..

Advertisements, billboards, television shows, movies and everything else in this market driven economy is partly based on over stimulation of sexual acts or insinuations. Do you think I'm really going to buy your deodorant because you claim that hot model girls will have sex with me (*cough AXE cough*). Get the fuck out of here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its still sexy because you can still fuck the boobs
